We just got back from our trip to the UK. I experienced a first: I didn't take an art project with me. I could have packed one, I'm sure....but I just wasn't into it. I decided to just take in the UK experience, instead, and take great photos to feed into my art-making later. We took scads- (including some great mini-videos for the kids) and I'll be posting some that I feel have some "art potential" later. It's funny, though..... since I got back, I haven't been burning to enter the studio....(which is a horrid sight)....but I've been into a house-cleaning mode. I did hit a great sale on President's Day at JoAnn's, and stocked up on Pellon 72, needles, buttons for my jacket, and other little sundries. Maybe when I get around to putting all of my things away, I'll get re-motivated.