My friend Dawn came over today, and we made a field trip to Grand River Beads to pick up some sundries.... I got silver beadcaps to finish off my "cool tribal" necklace I've been working on. It's got 3 doubled strands on each side, into which I've woven horn, wood and crystal beads. I've never done this type before, and I really enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, I'm going to experiment with making my own focal components from polyclay (something I'm developing to possible teach at GRB this fall) and maybe weaving in some pearls, too. I also helped Dawn design and construct a necklace to wear at her brother's wedding... and there are pics of that in the jewelry folder too.
In other news, I started a small matchbook shrine yesterday- I just started adding "stuff", and the theme of "burnout" came I went with it. I didn't exactly leave my job due to work burn out.... maybe company burnout... but in any event, it's in progress. More on that to come....