For a work-week, I've been fairly crafty. I visited my local- and favorite scrap-and-stamp store, Stamplistics last Saturday, and had a lovely Stamp Chat with my Mom, Sister, my good pal Connie & her daughter....the new card that we learned in class got my mojo workin', and I bought all of the supplies for my sisters' baby shower invites. (Pics coming soon....) Of course the new paper was burning a hole in my studio, so I got working on that. Then, on Monday afternoon, I got 4 - yes, FOUR- silver name bracelets done during naptime. I coulda got the last one done, too, if I hadn't forgotten to order that last pesky "y"....well, next week.
Then Tuesday was Guild night, and we had George Siciliano as our lecturer and workshop presenter. Since I was unfamiliar with his work- and the photos on the website don't NEARLY do his quilts justice- I wasn't planning on taking his class on Wednesday. (A long workday for me, and all.) Once I saw his magnificent minis, I just about fell over!!! He has a great sense of color, and his work is meticulous. (What I guess I should expect from a musician and former Marine!) Anyway, George and his wife, Ginny, are charming folks, and they put on a great (and professional) trunk show. So I felt a cold coming on (*sniff,sniff*) and took his Wednesday workshop. (Pics of this forthcoming, too.) I'll also share more on the workshop later..... but for now, I'm getting psyched up for the Lake County FarmPark Quilt Show. The family is taking a field trip this weekend to see the new lambs and piggies, check out the maple sugar festival, and of course, the fabulous quilts. What a crafty week!