Oh! It's been too long since I've written... but I was up to my ears in preparation for the Artists' Way Retreat in Lakeside. I taught a repeat of my "Passion Books" workshop, which I did last year. As I was schlepping the multitude of boxes to my car containing glue guns, paper, paints, stamps, stickers, fabric, fibers, and all manner of gew-gaws, I asked myself, "WHY DO I VOLUNTEER TO DO THIS!!???" A whole day away from my family, no pay, and lots of mess.....
Well.... after getting somewhat lost, starting 10 minutes late....but then having a marvelous 3 hours with the most amazing, insightful, and PASSIONATE women, I know why. My workshop was scheduled for two hours.... my group worked for 3 and half, and came up with incredibly personal books.... I could never predict what they came up with....and I am humbled by their artistic spirit.
Everytime I do a group- an art workshop, or a music therapy group, or a CEU session- I am overwhelmed with the creative process and how it takes over. And for me, I love to see folks unfold through a process, to stretch and grow and bond as a group and come through the experience changed in some way. I change, too, with each group.... which is why I keep doing them. *Contented sigh*