What is "Zetti"? It's short for Zettiology, and it's the magical brain-child of Teesha Moore. Anyway, the gist of is to take a picture- I suggest one yourself, or your kids, or cat, or whatever, and add stuff to it. Usually Teesha will add crowns, wings, or color in the legs with Pippi-Longstocking- like stripes. You can see a great examples here. Brenda Braun also has some examples on her blogspot here. (You just need to scroll down a little.)
So, start with a background page (may I suggest your fabulous hand-dyed paper from last week's Zen?) and your photo. Or a copy of it. Personally, I'm going to use the most unflattering picture of myself I can find.... after you glue it down, look through some magazines until you find a hat, crown, or tiara to use... or just cut a triangle from a cool pattern and stick it on the head... look for wings, and do the same... or cut a hearta from a cool pattern and stick it on the body... continue to add stuff... cool words... glitter glue. Sequins. Pictures of flowers... you get the idea... fill the page. Have fun, don't think too much, and don't take yourself (or whomever in the picture) too seriously. Make a whimsical portrait. Share it with me & my yahoo group, and I'll sent you a little goodie for playing!